Our New Studio Blog

Stay Tuned for more info....

Intima Press

Studio on the Square

Introduction to Lettpress

Sunday, February 22


Classic Bookbinding

Friday, February 19 & Saturday, February 20

Adventures in Letterpress

Thursday, February 18


Advanced Art of the Book

Wednesday, February 17


Polymer Plate Printing

Tuesday, February 16

More snow...


Book Restoration

Monday, February 15
(President's Day)

Printing Cards for Crete

Sunday, February 14
Fundraising for books lost in Crete arson fires

Printing Custom Business Cards

Saturday, February 13
Letterpress printed

Snow Storm...

Custom Designed Wedding Invitation

They met on a ship in France...


Adventures in Letterpress class

February 11

Letterpress printed Save the Date cards

Introduction to Letterpress

Friday, February 5

Do you still feel the butterflies?


Custom Wedding Invitation

Letterpress printed cover

Photo Shoot

Book Restoration

Saturday, January 23

Letterpress Intensive

Sunday, January 24

Class Broadside wood & metal type - press set up

Latin/English - Old English + Bodoni & Wood Type

Unique Letterpress Printed Cards

These gift cards are hand printed one at a time on a vintage press on Union Square, NYC
in the tradition of letterpress printing handed down since the 15th century.

“Fantastic Creatures”
Letterpress printed folded cards

The fanciful creatures depicted are reproductions of 16th century Renaissance naturalist llustrations:
Porcupine Fish, Sea Turtle, Damselfish, Sea Snake & Indian Hawk

Artists, engravers, and woodblock cutters were employed along with writers and other learned scholars in compiling volumes on natural history that blended science with folk lore.

5 assorted cards with pink, green, blue, green, & gold colored envelopes

Size approx: 3.5 x 5 inches
Individual card $5
Set of 5 packaged with colored envelopes: $22

"Classic Calligraphic"

Letterpress printed flat note cards
Quill, or
Dove design

Size approx: 4.75 x 6.5 (A6)

Individual cards or
Set of 6 of one design with White envelopes $20

"Book with Little People"

Letterpress printed flat note cards

Size approx: 4.25 x 5.75 (A2)

Individual cards or
Set of 6 of with White envelopes $18

Please send an e-mail to IntimaPress@yahoo.com to request additional information or call 917-412-4134

Copyright Studio on the Square & Intima Press, 2008. Prior written consent required for any use in any manner.